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There are a number of different strategies that can help you to manage activity.

When I first heard about pacing, I thought it wasn’t for me. Doing things in bits? Slowing down? For one it didn’t sound realistic and, second, it didn’t sound like my way. I’m glad I tried it and stuck with it now, though. It has helped me feel more in control and to get back to doing things I thought I couldn’t.





1. Pacing
Pacing involves regularly changing your position, breaking activities into smaller more manageable parts, using small frequent periods of rest, changing or stopping activity before pain makes you stop.

2. Grading
Means changing how you do an activity to reduce its impact on you. E.g. sitting down to iron, using a stool to do the washing up, using a supportive chair when using a computer.

3. Delegating
Involves asking someone else to do a task instead of you. E.g. asking family members to stack dishwasher, hang out laundry, make telephone calls about bills. It works better if carried out on a regular basis. Try not to expect anyone to be able to do a new task straight away – they may need ‘training’.

4. Organising
Involves thinking ahead before doing a task. Plan out your week to try and balance out demands and your resources (energy levels), planning in structured rest periods, relaxation, pleasurable things. It can be helpful to use a diary/ calendar.

5. Prioritising
Look at all your daily tasks. Is there anything you can stop or is non-essential? Consider what is important to you. This is the time to put yourself first.

6. Mix and Match
Try and mix up different tasks – a mental activity followed by a physical/ social activity/pleasurable activity followed by a rest/ relaxation period.

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust created an activity sheet, with more information and strategy regarding pacing, which you can download and use. Link below.